16b Rathbone Street, Whangarei, New Zealand. Phone:  +64 9 459 6070

Very Hungry Caterpillar Wiggly Jiggly
Very Hungry Caterpillar Wiggly Jiggly

Our new Very Hungry Caterpillar Wiggly Jiggly is ideal for sensory play and entertaining for newborns.

When you pull down on the caterpillar his body retracts up and jiggles. With a handy Velcro loop, this developmental toy can be attached to a pram or cot for on-the-go play and includes seven brightly coloured fabric or plastic rings to stimulate baby's senses.

Size: 30 cm
Suitable for birth and up.
NZ$ 47.99
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Plus we gift wrap free of charge and include a hand written card with your personal message.